Ken’s Talks


The Brain in Winter: Turning Off the Brain with MicroRNA. 5th International Conference on Neurology and Neurological Disorders. June 15, 2022. Ken’s Brain MicroRNA Talk.

Metabolic Arrest: Life in Limbo. Conference: August Krogh Symposium. April 21, 2022. Ken’s MRD Talk.

Hibernation and Ageing: Links Between Metabolic Rate Depression and Ageing. Conference: World Aging and Rejuvenation Conference. September 20, 2021. Ken’s Hibernation and Ageing Talk.

Metabolic Arrest: Deep Space. Ken Storey and Hanane Hadj-Moussa. Conference: The Science of Suspended Animation in Deep Space. Virtual Workshop. August 7, 2020. Ken’s Deep Space MRD Talk.

The living dead: Metabolic arrest for survival during winter hibernation. Conference: Bats – A New Model for Healthy Aging. Banbury Conference Center, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, March 11-14, 2018. Ken’s Banbury Lecture.

Living dead: metabolic arrest and survival in marine environments. School of Biological Sciences, The University of Hong Kong, October 22, 2018. Ken’s Hong Kong_Living Dead Talk.

The Living Dead: Metabolic Arrest and the Control of Biological Time. Calico Labs. 2018. LectureCalico LabsCalifornia.

The Living Dead: Mitochondria and Metabolic Arrest. 2018. LectureBuck Institute California.

The living dead: mitochondria and metabolic arrest. 115th International Titisee Conference “Evolutionary mitochondrial biology: molecular, biochemical, and metabolic diversity” Titisee, Germany, March 29 – April 2, 2017. Lecture International TITISEE conference Germany. Conference link. 

What do hibernating mammals tell us about the elastic limits of tissue function. American Society for Nutrition, Experimental Biology 2017, Chicago, IL. April 22-26, 2017. Lecture Experimental Biology Chicago. Conference link. 

Peter Hochachka: Roots and Branches. 2017. Lecture Canadian Society of Zoologists Winnipeg. Conference link.

Cold case files: molecular mechanisms of insect winter hardiness. XXV International Congress of Entomology, Orlando, FL. September 25-30, 2016. University of Florida Whitney Lecture Series.

The Living Dead: Metabolic Arrest and the Control of Biological Time. 2017. University of South Florida_VIDEO: PartIPartIIPartIII

Mammals on ice: molecular secrets of winter hibernation. Wenner-Gren Symposium -Brown Adipose Tissue and Euthermia. Wenner-Gren Center, Stockholm, May 25-28, 2016. Lecture Brown Adipose and Tissue Euthermia Stockholm. Conference link.

Metabolic Arrest, Stasis and Regeneration. 2015. Lecture Chicago Metabolic Arrest

Decoding the molecular machinery controlling metabolic rate depression. 9th International Congress of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry, Kraków, Poland August 23-28, 2015. Lecture Poland Insect Cold Hardiness

The Living Dead: Metabolic Arrest and the Control of Biological Time. 2015. Lecture Ottawa Living Dead

Controlling biological time: Nature has the blueprint. Organ Bioengineering and Banking Roadmap Workshop, Organ Preservation Alliance and White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, Eisenhower Executive Office Building, Washington, DC, May 27-28, 2015. Lecture Washington Epigenetics.

Controlling biological time: nature has the blueprint. Controlling Biological Time for Organs on Demand – A Vision-setting Workshop. West Point Military Academy, West Point, NY, August 5-6, 2015. Lecture West Point Primate Torpor.

The Living Dead: Metabolic Arrest and the Control of Biological Time. 2015. Lecture West Point Stasis.

Lessons in Organ Preservation from NATURE. 2015. Lecture California Organ preservation.

Epigenetics and the regulation of hypometabolism. Epigenetics in Comparative Physiology, JEB Symposium, Buffalo Mountain Lodge, Banff, Alberta, March 29 – April 2, 2014. Ken’s Banff Lecture.

Epigenetics, gene regulation and hypometabolism. Department of Pathology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. June 3, 2015Ken’s University of Washington Talk.


Extreme Snails: Anoxia Tolerance in Marine Molluscs. Oct. 2013. Lecture Extreme snails 

The Living Dead: Metabolic arrest & the control of biological time. Germany, Oct. 2013. Lecture Living dead 

Mexico – Plenary lecture “Stress & Adaptation”: New Molecular Toolkit for the 21st Century, Nov. 2012. Lecture Mexico plenary

Fry Award lecture, Canadian Society of Zoologists, 50th Annual meeting, Ottawa, 2011. Lecture Fry Award

Vertebrate freeze tolerance, 2011. Presentation Vertebrate freezing

Hibernation in mammals, 2011. Presentation Hibernation

Marine anoxia tolerance. Presentation Marine anoxia

Anoxia tolerance, Lutz, 2009. Presentation Anoxia tolerance

Public lecture, Life in the Cold, 2008. Presentation Life in the Cold

Peter W. Hochachka, collected photos from a life of science adventure: PHOTOSStorey-Hochachka publication LIST